Two new home owners buying their first home and moving in

Essential Tips for First-Time Home Buyers

Wednesday Nov 22nd, 2023


Buying your first home is thrilling yet daunting. When you work with Jamie Vieira and Associates, it's more than just buying a home. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every step of your journey is seamless.

Our clients often share their experiences of how Jamie and his team make the process smooth and stress-free. "We definitely recommend Jamie and his team to all our family and friends who need a reliable real estate agent. Thank you for all the hard work. It’s been a pleasure selling and buying our new home with Jamie and his team. They make everything go smoothly. Jamie goes above and beyond in everything," says Miriam Greiss.

With such dedicated support, you can sit back and watch as we handle everything for you.

Here's a streamlined guide to ease your journey from saving for a down payment to finally getting the keys to your new home.

1. Early Savings: A Strong Foundation

Start your home-buying journey by saving diligently. Key expenses include:

  • Down Payment: This varies based on mortgage type and lender. For instance, a 3% down payment on a $300,000 home is $9,000. Automate savings to build this fund.
  • Closing Costs: Typically, these are 2% to 6% of your loan amount. In some markets, sellers might contribute to these costs.
  • Move-In Expenses: Budget for moving, immediate repairs, and furnishings. Local moves can cost up to $2,500.

2. Affordability: Know Your Limits

Determine a comfortable spending limit for your home. Tools like NerdWallet's affordability calculator can guide you, considering your income, debts, and other financial factors.

3. Credit Score: Your Financial Mirror

Your credit score plays a pivotal role in mortgage qualification and rates. Enhance your score by:

  • Disputing inaccuracies on credit reports.
  • Paying bills on time and managing credit card balances.
  • Keeping existing credit accounts open.
  • Avoiding new credit accounts during mortgage applications.
  • Regularly monitoring your credit score.

4. Explore Mortgage Options

In addition to the primary mortgage types, consider the pros and cons of fixed-rate versus adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs). Fixed-rate mortgages provide stable payments, while ARMs have variable rates that can impact monthly payments. Researching these options thoroughly will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals and the time you plan to spend in your new home.

5. Research First-Time Home Buyer Assistance Programs

Many of these programs are designed to ease the financial burden on first-time buyers. They might offer unique benefits like lower interest rates, reduced fees, or educational resources to guide you through the home-buying process. Some programs are specifically tailored to certain professions, veterans, or areas, so it's worth exploring all available options in your region.

In Canada, several government initiatives provide substantial support for first-time home buyers, making the journey to homeownership smoother and more affordable. Here are some key programs to consider:

First-Time Home Buyer Incentive Program: This program is a partnership between you and the Government of Canada in a shared equity mortgage. For an existing home, the government can contribute up to 5% of the purchase price, and for new constructions, up to 10%. This lowers your monthly mortgage payments and increases your borrowing capacity.

Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP): If you have savings in a Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), the HBP allows you to withdraw up to $35,000 tax-free for your down payment. This is especially beneficial for those with limited savings.

First Home Savings Account (FHSA): The FHSA acts like a special savings account for your down payment, where the interest you earn is tax-free. Additionally, the money you contribute is tax-deductible, accelerating your savings for the down payment.

By leveraging these programs, you're not only making homeownership more attainable but also setting yourself up for long-term financial success.

6. Compare Mortgage Rates and Fees

Understanding the fine print of mortgage offers is crucial. For more details, check our Mortgage Rate Comparison Tool. Look beyond the interest rates to other fees and terms that could impact your long-term financial health.

Some lenders might offer more favorable terms in exchange for a slightly higher rate, which could be beneficial depending on your situation. It's also important to understand the implications of fixed versus variable rates in the context of your financial planning.

7. Gather Your Loan Paperwork

Organizing your financial documents early can streamline the mortgage process. This includes having recent pay stubs, proof of any other income sources, and a detailed list of debts and monthly expenses. Being prepared with this documentation can expedite the preapproval and application processes, and help you secure a mortgage that fits your financial situation.

8. Get a Pre-approval Letter

A pre-approval letter is a powerful tool in the home-buying process. It not only gives you a clear idea of what you can afford but also shows sellers that you are a serious and qualified buyer. This can be particularly advantageous in competitive housing markets where multiple offers are common.

9. Choose a Real Estate Agent Carefully

The right agent can make a significant difference in your home-buying experience. Look for someone who communicates well, has a deep understanding of the local market, and is willing to advocate on your behalf. A good agent will understand your needs and preferences and can help you navigate complex negotiations and paperwork.

10. Narrow Down Your Ideal Type of House and Neighbourhood

Consider factors like future growth, community amenities, and local schools if you have or plan to have children. Think about your commute and proximity to essential services. Your ideal home should align not just with your current needs but also with your future plans and lifestyle.

11. Stick to Your Budget

It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of house hunting and potentially overspend. Remember, owning a home comes with additional expenses like maintenance, property taxes, and insurance. Staying within your budget will help ensure that you can comfortably afford these ongoing costs.

12. Make the Most of Walk-Throughs and Open Houses

Use these opportunities to assess not just the house itself but also the neighbourhood. Visit at different times of the day to get a sense of traffic patterns, noise levels, and the general atmosphere. Talk to neighbours if possible, as they can provide invaluable insights into the community and the property.

13. Don’t Skip the Home Inspections

A thorough inspection can reveal hidden problems that could be costly to repair. Consider specialized inspections for older homes, which might have unique issues like outdated electrical systems or structural concerns. Understanding the condition of the home will help you make an informed decision and prepare for future maintenance.

14. Negotiate with the Seller

Effective negotiation can lead to significant savings and benefits. Be prepared to compromise and prioritize your requests. Focus on what's most important to you, whether it's the price, closing date, or specific repairs. A skilled real estate agent can be invaluable during this process, offering advice and negotiating on your behalf.

15. Buy Adequate Home Insurance

Home insurance is more than just a lender requirement; it's a crucial part of protecting your investment. Consider additional coverage for natural disasters if you live in an area prone to events like floods or earthquakes. Regularly review and update your policy to ensure it keeps pace with changes in your home's value and your personal possessions.


With Jamie Vieira and Associates, you're not just gaining a real estate agent; you're partnering with a team that prioritizes your needs and ensures a smooth, stress-free experience. From understanding the intricacies of mortgages to finding your dream home, our comprehensive guides and personalized services are designed to make your home-buying process as seamless as possible.

If you want to buy or sell your home in Oakville, Burlington, or Milton then reach out to us now!

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